Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
167 lines
// GEMobject
// A GEMobject is a true C++ object which are components of GEMforms.
// It has basic abilities similar to the abilities of GEM OBJECTs, but
// with the ability to be "called back", or "touched", and so to act
// on this stimulus. As a base class, a GEMobject does not actually
// do anything in response - this is for derived classes.
// This file is Copyright 1992,1993 by Warwick W. Allison.
// This file is part of the gem++ library.
// You are free to copy and modify these sources, provided you acknowledge
// the origin by retaining this notice, and adhere to the conditions
// described in the file COPYING.LIB.
#ifndef GEMo_h
#define GEMo_h
#include <gemrawo.h>
#include <gemf.h>
class GEMevent;
class GEMobject
// A GEMobject represents an extension of the OBJECT concept.
// But, because GEM uses ARRAYS of OBJECTs, we cannot extend them :-(.
// We make do by coping functionality.
GEMobject(GEMform&, int RSCindex);
virtual ~GEMobject();
bool Selected(bool s) { return me().Selected(s); }
bool Selected() const { return me().Selected(); }
void Select() { me().Select(); }
void Deselect() { me().Deselect(); }
bool Crossed(bool s) { return me().Crossed(s); }
bool Crossed() const { return me().Crossed(); }
void Cross() { me().Cross(); }
void Uncross() { me().Uncross(); }
bool Checked(bool s) { return me().Checked(s); }
bool Checked() const { return me().Checked(); }
void Check() { me().Check(); }
void Uncheck() { me().Uncheck(); }
bool Disabled(bool s) { return me().Disabled(s); }
bool Disabled() const { return me().Disabled(); }
void Disable() { me().Disable(); }
void Enable() { me().Enable(); }
bool Outlined(bool s) { return me().Outlined(s); }
bool Outlined() const { return me().Outlined(); }
void Outline() { me().Outline(); }
void Unoutline() { me().Unoutline(); }
bool Shadowed(bool s) { return me().Shadowed(s); }
bool Shadowed() const { return me().Shadowed(); }
void Shadow() { me().Shadow(); }
void Unshadow() { me().Unshadow(); }
bool Selectable(bool f) { return me().Selectable(f); }
bool Selectable() const { return me().Selectable(); }
bool Default(bool f) { return me().Default(f); }
bool Default() const { return me().Default(); }
bool Exit(bool f) { return me().Exit(f); }
bool Exit() const { return me().Exit(); }
bool Editable(bool f) { return me().Editable(f); }
bool Editable() const { return me().Editable(); }
bool RadioButton(bool f) { return me().RadioButton(f); }
bool RadioButton() const { return me().RadioButton(); }
bool LastObject(bool f) { return me().LastObject(f); }
bool LastObject() const { return me().LastObject(); }
bool TouchExit(bool f) { return me().TouchExit(f); }
bool TouchExit() const { return me().TouchExit(); }
bool HideTree(bool f) { return me().HideTree(f); }
bool HideTree() const { return me().HideTree(); }
short States() const { return me().States(); }
short Flags() const { return me().Flags(); }
void MoveTo(short x, short y) { me().MoveTo(x,y); }
void MoveBy(short x, short y) { me().MoveBy(x,y); }
short X() const { return me().X(); }
short Y() const { return me().Y(); }
void Resize(short w, short h);
short Width() const { return me().Width(); }
short Height() const { return me().Height(); }
virtual void SetWidth(short w);
virtual void SetHeight(short h);
// The ob_spec functions below call the above type/ob_spec methods.
char* ImageBitmap(bool Mask=FALSE) const;
short ImageHeight() const;
short ImageWidth() const;
void SetImageBitmap(char* bitmap, short w, short h, bool Mask=FALSE);
char* Text() const;
void SetText(char* str);
int FillPattern() const;
void FillPattern(int);
bool Transparent() const;
void Transparent(bool);
int Font() const;
void Font(int font);
int ForeCol() const;
void ForeCol(int colourindex);
int BackCol() const;
void BackCol(int colourindex);
int BorderCol() const;
void BorderCol(int colourindex);
int BorderWidth() const;
void BorderWidth(int width);
bool ContainsPoint(int x, int y) const;
virtual int Type() const;
virtual void Type(int);
virtual int ObjectSpecific() const;
virtual void ObjectSpecific(int);
void RedrawParent();
void Redraw();
// Child stuff...
void Detach(); // Remove from parent child-list
void Attach(GEMobject& o); // Attach child to self
void Attach(int RSCindex); // Attach child to self
// RSCindex-based
int NumberOfChildren() const;
int FirstChild() const; // -1 = none
int NextChild(int after) const; // -1 = none.
GEMrawobject* Child(int) const;
int Index() const { return myindex; }
// GEMobject-based
int NumberOfComponents() const;
GEMobject* FirstComponent() const;
GEMobject* NextComponent(const GEMobject*) const;
// Call backs... (x,y) are relative, GEMevent contains absolute.
virtual GEMfeedback Touch(int x, int y, const GEMevent& e);
void GetAbsoluteXY(int& x, int& y) const;
unsigned long original_ob_spec;
GEMform& form;
int myindex;
GEMrawobject& me() const { return form[myindex]; }